The Tamil movie 3 is slated for worldwide release with subtitles on February 14 which makes for a perfect V-day date (hint, hint). The Tamil movies I have seen so far were quite good and have well written scripts despite not being as big budget and glam as Bollywood. I do hope this movie plays in major cinemas in Toronto, not just Albion/Woodside.
In the meantime, I have been a strong contributor to the almost 33 million views on youtube of the soundtrack's premier release: Why This Kolaveri Di. I just spent the past hour listening to tributes and parodies of the hit song and have posted my favourites here. Enjoy!
Egyptian Parody: Why This Colour Very Green
Dutch Video: Rowing Team Dance
Brit R&B: How Could You Do This to Me
Gujarati Parody: Why This Chokri Kharchaa Di (why is this girl costing me so much)
Chandhigarh Tribute: Dance
Chipmunks: High pitched parody (I always find these 'munkified songs amusing; sorry)
Rap Version: Not a bad attempt considering the time-frame the guys made this vid/song in
Hi this is Karim from the Egyptian Version. Thank you so much for posting me as number 1 parody. This is such an honor I wish the movie great success and would love to see it inshallah :)