Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Don't Occupy Toronto

I hate protests that are disruptive; especially to me. I am selfish. Though a lot of people involved in the #occupy movements across the continent seem to have a valid cause I do not think it is fair for them to inconvenience other strangers since they may be ruining the day of someone who is on their side. Seriously, blocking rush hour traffic is a big no-no.

From what I have read, a lot of the people involved in the #occupy protests are supporting great causes and have strong ideas. I am just wondering if they have tried other outlets and methods to have their voice heard and changes implemented. In Toronto it is nice to see lots of people positively moved and motivated to make change, though it is interesting to note that in the provincial election held 2 weeks ago we had the lowest voter turnout ever in Ontario. If we want change, we need to work through the established democratic system that we currently have in place in order to create a fair society for all.

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